Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where The Wilds Things Are... probably the single most important book of my childhood. I can picture every page and (nearly) recite the entire story. I still giggle along with Max every time the jungle starts to grow in his room...! So, when I heard that there were plans in motion to make the story into a feature length movie, I was understandably skeptical- CGI wild things? A 40-ish page book drawn out to 60-plus minutes? My skepticism is officially dead.

Magical!!! Not just CGI wild things (as I'd feared)- muppetry!! Max is adorable! The dreaminess of the colours!! It made me cry- not just in a "shed a single tear" way (it was kind of embarassing!). I can't wait- and I'm sure will be blubbering on my way out of the theatre!

Okay-It's not the book, no, and I tend to be a bit of a purist on that count. Nothing can ever replace the magic of reading that story as a child for the very first time, but thank goodness Spike Jonze seems he may actually have given it a lovingly crafted tribute. Yay!

Children! Don't grow up!


april said...

I know Teagan! You and I both will be sobbing away at this movie!
Sure I cry at colour combinations sometimes... does that mean I have emotional problems? Maybe.
But this IS TOTALLY MAGICAL! If it were CGI, I wouldn't care, but it is REAL! I really can't wait to see this! I will bring tissues.

andrea said...

I cannot wait to see it!!!