Monday, November 3, 2008

Neco z Alenky (Alice)

A while ago, April mentioned the upcoming Burton version of Alice In Wonderland. Shawn and I were discussing this today, and he asked if I had ever seen the extraordinarily weird Czechoslovakian version of the movie by Jan Svankmajer.

"The WHAT?!" I exclaimed. After some imdb-ing, and perusing viewer comments with titles like "Want to give your kids nightmares for the rest of their lives?" I knew it would be right up my alley.

The taxidermied white rabbit escaping from his glass box!

The skeletal menagerie, and the cabinet (or broom closet) of curiosities!

Why have I never seen this movie before?!?


Not Available said...

I've never even heard of that movie. Not even once! It looks so amazing and creepy.

Austin said...

I have seen this movie. It is where nightmares come from. I hated it. I still gives me the willies. The sounds of the nails in the animals feet. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

april said...

What!? You've never seen it? Crazy talk! I love the clicking sound of the white rabbit's jawbone!

Not Available said...

Have you seen this movie yet? I was going to download it if you haven't found it yet.