Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Let the good times roll. No seriously. Any time now..

I was going to post a long "woe-is-me" rant, pertaining mainly to my gibbledness, and to everything else I stew about when inoperable, but what's the use? Here's a list of good things.

1) Super cake building time this weekend for Shawn's birthday!

2) New free (ie: Xmas g.c. a la Shawn) stuff from Nokomis! Conveniently, both jersey items, conducive to lounging without looking like a frump.

3) Braving the bumpy ride to go check out our first house rental tonight!

4) Maybe (hopefully?) shirts to print this weekend!

5) Temperatures in the plus column!

6) $2 yarn!!!!! Heather grey, and burnt orange!

Everything else is drivel I need not concern myself with. Other than studying for a midterm. I suppose I ought to concern myself with that.

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