Friday, March 14, 2008

Preliminary house pictures!

Of note:

-the piano comes with the house! It isn't even that badly out of tune!
-there are TREES on the street! Big trees!
-claw foot bath tub!
-the last people who painted were apparently drunk. 1/2 a coat of paint?
-dead end street!


april said...

Awww man! The piano comes with the house?!!! LUCKY!
I can't wait to see what you guys do with the place... good thing you took some "before" photos. I never remember to do that! And I've done a couple of doozies of makeovers in my day!

jaime said...

It looks so wonderful!! (well, in a 'potential' sort of way!) I'm so happy you guys managed to find something that works for you. Now I definitely have to come visit and see how it turns out!

orange you lucky! said...

That has great potential! I like that the drunks used yellow in the bathroom! I don't play piano, but I want one for free as well! Lucky you!

s.i. michaels said...

I am so envying that bathtub.