And how did I spend this beautiful day? Cleaning the freakin' house! There isn't anything more satisfying than a vinegary clean bathroom, and floors you can eat off of! Yay! Well, maybe drinking beers in a park in the sun would have been more satisfying, but spring is young yet.
I rode my bike (who I am tentatively calling "Ingrid" at this point) to and from work for the first time on Friday, and was rained on BOTH WAYS! Thanks Edmonton. You fuck me around with 5 months of winter, and then, when the weather is finally nice enough to ride a bike in, you piss on me! Insult, meet injury. The way there wasn't bad. Just a refreshing spring spittle- the ground smelled sooooo good- but on the way home, there was thunder and lightning (already!?) and I got soaked! Good ol' hub brakes got their first workout in the wet, and handled great.
In a bike-related vein, I read
this breakdown of Dutch cycling culture and thought, as I do several times daily, that I am definitely living in the wrong country. Almost everything in this little write up rings true to me, especially (re: saddles) "not for us the crotch cutter seats of racing bikes, because we value our reproductive body parts!". Also, the "Bike Helmets & Lycra" section made me giggle. Good stuff.
I've been toying with the idea of making some of my silly paintings into prints lately. I got some quotes from places around town, and may actually give it a shot. I painted a little bit the other night. The usual. Anthropomorphic cartoon trees and hearts. I guess I'm kind of a one-trick pony. Oh well! Buy my cute prints if I make them! If not for you, for your favourite six year old little girl! After all, that's secretly all I really am.